Saturday, February 6, 2010

really a cry

Here's what it looks like outside my window right now...

Snowy. La la la (shout out to my sister, who is probably not reading this).

Anyway, our blog posts for this week are supposed to be about anything, so this first one is about snow.  Oh, also we were supposed to put a picture on the blog.  I put three.  There's this one with the snow, and there's my profile picture, and there's the one at the top right where I'm filling a cup.  Astute readers will note that it's not a cup, but rather a glass.  Astuter readers will note that it has the image from an album cover on it.  Astutest readers will be able to name that album.  They will then win the prize of being awesome.


  1. I am not awesome. I do not recognize the album cover. Should I? I liked the snowy picture. I think your sister will be getting snow on the next one, Tuesday night into Wednesday. I am SOOOOO tired of snow.

  2. I just looked at your profile and do not see MY blog among the ones you follow. Sigh.

  3. Is that a Postal Service album cover? I'm going to hate it if I'm wrong.

  4. I really need to turn comment notifications on. I didn't even realize that last comment was there until now. But anyway, no, sorry, it's Pink Floyd's Animals
