Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Uncanny X-Men #523

This is part 2 of the current multi-part huge crazy mult-title-spanning storyline.  It seems like every issue of every X-book (if not every Marvel book) is part of one of these now.  Oh well.  As long as the story's good, I guess.  I don't know if this one is or not yet.  It's called "Second Coming," and it's about this girl who was the first mutant born since the mutant population had been suddenly reduced to 198 worldwide.  And then Cable took her to the future and raised her because a bunch of mutantphobic humans were trying to kill her.  And now he's brought her back to the present where there are still a bunch of mutantphobic humans trying to kill her, but now she's all grown up and can fight them and stuff.  And also, she looks exactly like Jean Grey (who's currently dead, but that never seems to last with her).  Or she's drawn to anyway.  I don't think any of the characters have made any comments about the resemblance yet.  So,  yeah.  Basically your average convoluted X-Men story, and probably a good example of why a lot of people don't read X-Men comics despite the popularity of the movies.

Despite the over-complicated storylines though, there's often some decent writing in the X-Men books.  The other main X-Men title, X-Men: Legacy is currently written by Mike Carey (Lucifer, The Unwritten), one of my favorite writers in comics today.  Uncanny is written by Matt Fraction, who I don't think is quite as good as Carey, but he's not bad.  This issue gave us some good moments.  For one, the rest of the X-Men have finally found out about X-Force, the secret wetwork squad Cyclops has been operating behind their backs.  Nightcrawler is obviously really pissed about it, and I can't wait to see what happens with that.  Also, on the very last page, we got I think the very first shot of the Team Supreme (Cypher and Warlock) in their classic battle mode since they brought Cypher back in the Necrosha storyline.  Hopefully, we'll see more of that in part 3 of this story, since it takes place in New Mutants.

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