Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I guess it's about time to actually make a post that has something to do with the class this blog is for.  For my Electronic Publishing final project, I redesigned the web site I had created for the midterm.  It's now a multimedia narrative about my long-running fictional character Ben.

It gives a brief history of the character, beginning with the unillustrated comic scripts my collaborator and I initially wrote five years ago, including a few examples.  Then it progresses to the character's appearances in my collaborator's blog, including links to certain entries.  After that, it moves to the videos we had produced for the midterm project, and finally moves on to the new videos we produced for this project, in which a loose narrative of a distinctly meta nature unfolds.

The story is augmented with music and photographs that tie in only loosely and thematically, but hopefully increase the meta-ness of it all.  So, check it out, I guess...


1 comment:

  1. I just read a few of the Comic Relief pages. I loved the strips I read!!! Doing a gag strip is hard enough, but there is a real art to putting some continuity into it. I'm always impressed when someone does it well, as you have.
